Credits and Permissions

Who created Gettysburg by the Numbers (GBTN)?

GBTN is a project from TeachersFirst, a free, ad-free teacher resource web site that has been a free service of the non-profit The Source for Learning since 1998. Learn more about TeachersFirst here.

GBTN was researched and written in a collaborative effort by members of the TeachersFirst team, including Candace Hackett Shively, M.A., Peggy Jennings, Ed.D., and our extensive team of teacher-reviewers. Gettysburg by the Numbers, like all of TeachersFirst, was written by experienced teacher-leaders who know the realities of the classroom and model best practices in creation and use of digital media for learning.

The visual design, infographics, and illustrations in Gettysburg by the Numbers were created by the team of Rita Lee (designer) and Rick Henkel (illustrator) in collaboration with the TeachersFirst team.

Selected Gettysburg photographs and historic consultation were provided by David W. Shively.

The technical work to make Gettysburg by the Numbers come to life as a web site was done by Jay Volk.

Contributor in Kind:

Thanks to the The Gettysburg Times for their collaboration by printing weekly excerpts from GBTN and sharing them in their e-paper.

Photo Credits:

Except as noted below, all photos within Gettysburg by the Numbers are the work of David W. Shively and Copyright © 1998-2025 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Images from the Library of Congress, from the public domain:

Ditterline, T. Field of Gettysburg, July 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 1863 . Digital image. 2013. Web. 2/15/2013 <>. Used as main page image for Geography topic.

Gardner, Alexander. General Meade's Headquarters at Gettysburg. Digital image. 2013. Web. 4/30/2013 <>. Used as main page image for Clean Up topic and in Photo Album in Casualties/Photographs.

Gardner, Alexander. The horrors of war. Digital image. 2013. Web. 4/30/2013 <>. Used in Photo Album in Casualties/Photographs.

Highsmith, Carol. National Mall, Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument, Washington D.C.. Digital image. 2013. Web. 3/15/2013 <>. Used in Monuments.

O'sullivan, Timothy H.. Battlefield of Gettysburg--Dead Confederate sharpshooter at foot of Little Round Top [i.e., Devil's Den]. Digital image. 2013. Web. 4/30/2013 <>. Used in Photo Album in Casualties/Photographs.

Smith, William Morris. 50th Pennsylvania Infantry, Gettysburg, Pa., July, 1865. Digital image. 2013. Web. 4/30/2013 <>. Used in Photo Album in Casualties/Photographs.

The War Photograph & Exhibition Co., No. 21 Linden Place. Hartford, Conn.. Wounded trees at Gettysburg. Digital image. 2013. Web. 4/30/2013 <>. Used in Photo Album in Casualties/Photographs.

Use of outside copyrights

Selected portions of GBTN are the property of outside entities and are reprinted here in accordance with the publication rights of those entities, including photographs from the Library of Congress and the text of Common Core State Standards. Any subsequent use of these materials is subject to the permissions of those entities.


Gettysburg by The Numbers is Copyright © 1998-2025 by The Source for Learning, Inc. All rights reserved except where specifically granted below.

The materials available through the SFL Sites are the property of SFL or its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws including acceptable classroom use. You are free to display and print for your personal, non-commercial use information you receive through the SFL Sites. Except as otherwise provided in this Visitor Agreement, you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from these materials or content, or make commercial use of them without obtaining express prior written permission from SFL. You may not distribute copies of materials found on the SFL Sites in any form (including by e-mail or other electronic means), without prior written permission from the owner. Of course, you're free to encourage others to access the information themselves on the SFL Sites, and to tell them how to find it.

TeachersFirst grants permission for teachers to print a class set of materials from Gettysburg by the Numbers for their own class’ offline use. Please direct your teaching colleagues to access our site themselves if they wish to use it with their students.

See the full Terms of Use for SFL sites.