June 25, 2012

Hums in my head at ISTE 2012

Filed under: digital footprints,iste12,Teaching and Learning — Candace Hackett Shively @ 11:24 am

Two convergences are humming inside my head like songs I cannot shake. I attended SocialEdCon Saturday and the ISTE 2012 opening keynote yesterday. At both the talk was about helping kids find their passion. The hum in my head was still strong — asking me to connect to the post I just did about today’s five year old.  He will have the chance to pursue his passion when “left to his own devices.” I’ll just let the personal passion song keep playing in my head as I continue through ISTE.

The second inside song (a clever harmony?) has lyrics about MePortfolios (a distinction form ePortfolios). EPortfolios are for the teacher or principal or department of ed. Meportfolios are for the audience I want to share them with. My five year old will have a MePortfolio, portable, personalized, and completely adaptable to the audience of choice.

That’s it… I am off to another session.


1 Comment

  1. Just wait until the 5 year old is 25 years old. I wonder where technology will be then. I am in an edtech class and we have been following the ISTE conference via twitter. My professor blames the class for not being able to attend the conference. I hear that the Adobe conference has free food and wine. Enjoy

    Comment by David — June 28, 2012 @ 1:42 pm

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