December 21, 2007

Blog address-change Christmas cards and a blogger’s thank you

Filed under: about me,Misc. — Candace Hackett Shively @ 2:58 pm

My old blog home had some great connections: people who left behind comments or  linked to me there. I feel as if I moved out of my home and left no forwarding address. So what do I do? What everyone does (or used to do before RSS feeds): Since it’s holiday time, I send everyone I ever knew a “card” to let them know where I “live” now. Here is hoping that blog-magic will get the word out.

So, to all of you, this is my invitation to visit this, my new blog home, whenever you wish. I will refrain from writing an annoying holiday letter that describes the trials of moving a blog and instead mention these bloggers or commenters I consider to be “gifts” who have made me think, made me angry, made me laugh, or simply motivated  me to respond. What better gift could I receive than thoughts sparked by a fellow blogger?

Thank you notes and address-change Christmas cards, therefore, go to:

Drapes Takes,, Rambling Reflections, Herman Wood’s EdTech Blog, Cathy Nelson’s TechnoTuesday, Chris Lehmann’s Practical Theory, Krysia, Ryan Palmer, Wes Fryer’s Speed of Creativity, David Warlick’s 2 Cents Worth, Jim Gates’ TIPline, Karl Fisch’s Fischbowl, KJ’s NCS Tech, Andy Carvin’s Learning Now, and miscellaneous others who arrive via Google Reader.

Now if I could just avoid cleaning my real house for the holidays by having everyone visit vis RSS feed (?!)

Merry Christmas to all!

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I have updated my reader link.

    Comment by Cathy Nelson — December 21, 2007 @ 9:12 pm

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