June 28, 2012

Today’s five year old and 2025 predictions, part 2

Filed under: edtech,education,Teaching and Learning — Candace Hackett Shively @ 1:10 pm


I have previously posted perilous predictions comparing how a five year old boy I know sees the world today and what his 2025 mindset will be. I continue with a few more thoughts as I head home from a busy week at ISTE2012.

2012 – Music comes from the big screen, the phone, the iTouch, the computer, and the backseat DVD : 2025 – I have music in my head all the time

2012 – I learn what I like by choosing an app : 2025 – I choose my school cohort — and plan college and job– to fit what I like to learn.

2012 – I Facetime my cousin on the computer, iPhone, or big screen : 2025 – I say my cousin’s name when I think about him, and I hear him answer me.

2012 – I have friends and cousins in different states : 2025 – I friends who speak to me in different languages, and I hear what they mean.

2012 -playlists are what mommy and daddy choose : 2025 – Life is my playlist.

2012 – I love my teacher : 2025 – Teacher? I remember those. I hadn’t heard them called that since middle school.

Want to venture a prediction — so the future can laugh at both of us?


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