Today was my first teacher workday sans professional development, and I have to say – best thing ever. With all the grading, planning and cleaning that needs to be done before the first quarter ends, I don’t know what I would do without today and tomorrow off.
It did fly by though – it’s odd how 8 hours just flies by, and how much I still feel like I need to work on. What’s funny is that my grad school program has this new focus on handling stress, and are requiring us to take one day off to go to a workshop to get advice/techniques about handling stress. After my workday, I got to say – if they really want to help me with stress, all they need to do is give me another day off like that and let me plan/grade/get things done.
It’s been so hard finding time on weekends/after school to get these things done, since I feel like I need to give myself time too. Personally, I think that if I didn’t give myself time to chill out or have some substance of a personal life, I’d be the worst teacher ever. But with the job, that I’m starting to realize never ends, it’s hard to find the balance of a personal life and getting work done for school. During the week, it’s hard – by the time I get home, all I want to do is be a vegetable/do something relaxing. On the weekends – I want to be outside (the effects of a windowless classroom) doing anything but schoolwork.