Very excited – longterm subbing has officially begun! Today was day two – I was going to update this yesterday, but here’s a shocker: I was EXHAUSTED. Immediate thoughts from only 2 days in the field:
1. Why am I so hungry all the time now?
2. I would not be opposed to going to bed at 8pm for the next few days.
3. I love middle schoolers…they’re both funny to work with and sometimes surprisingly sweet.
4. Someone should seriously consider putting an IV drip of caffeine in my classroom so I have constant access.
5. Huge gaps between sone of my classes…this might be the year I dominate differentiation. As though student teaching wasn’t practice enough.
I’m planning on fleshing my thoughts out more as the week goes on, but I can honestly say that I am so excited to be teaching (finally) and really do love it so far. Right now I’m in the beginning of a unit on WWII, so in addition to my rantings/questions, I’ll try to share any cool resources I come across!