June 30, 2011


Filed under: edtech,iste11 — Candace Hackett Shively @ 3:29 pm

Top Ten things to do the day after ISTE:ten.jpg

10. Sleep. At least a little extra.

9. Dig through the bags, pockets, and cases, sorting all the IMPORTANT cards and little notes that people handed to you– that is,  those who still use paper.

8.  Go outside and breathe non-city, non-convention center air (if you have it).

7. Plan the next 10 blog posts about amazing things you learned but had no time to blog about.

6A. Revisit the plans and files for your presentation, making note of all the things you would change if you gave it again.

6B. Revisit the best presentation you went to and make note of all the things you will say when you give the sequel next year.

5. Run a million loads of laundry. (Dirt is a reality, even in edtech world.)

4.  Dig through the iste11 items you threw into Diigo and add other, more meaningful tags so your library isn’t a giant ISTanglE

3. Resist the urge to do nothing but read #iste11 tweets for another day. #istechocolate is not a food group.

2. Decide which great new idea you will try first, write about, ask your tweeps about, or build.

1. Start item 2.

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